Studio Direct is an innovative model designed by Seth Clark aimed towards assisting Emerging Artists with their transition into full-time studio practices.
Artists often struggle to find time to create work early on in their careers. Whether you’re working multiple part-time jobs, freelancing or teaching, there is always paid work that takes away from the time and energy you’re spending in studio. At the start of 2014, coming off of a primarily freelance design income, I asked 8 local Pittsburgh Art Patrons to assist me with this problem. The Studio Direct model has allowed me to have a thriving studio practice, garner new patrons, expand my professional network, feel confident with my pricing, all while preserving my current gallery relationships.
Through Studio Direct an artist pre-sells their work at a discounted rate to a select number of Patrons. These Patrons not only get a great deal, but also get to support an artist's studio practice for a year and be part of an intimate community of participants. The Artist receives a stable foundation of income through the pre-sales, allowing for a more productive studio practice.